ESP32 Dual-Screen Cyber Watch
Lets face it we are all suckers for new smart watches everyone wants that Dick Tracy communicator but not all of us are satisfied with the commercial offerings and all the tracking of our biometrics and ads that they bring. Enter the DIY smart watch and unlike all the rest we’ve seen before this one has a dual display making it all that much cooler and useful. In the words of its creator -
“The reason why I like a dual display like this is the fact you can display 2 sets of information at the same time, plus I need to figure out how to make the screen bigger, and this is what I came up with.”
Mix and match app visibility
It’s an elegant solution to what a lot of us makers face with all our projects, you can’t always get exactly the parts you want and just have to work around the problem.
Thanks to Protolinux for sending this one in and to all our members who share their projects with us!
Protolinux has already created a very detailed log so instead of rehashing it all take a trip over to their HaD IO page. Link to build log